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The Scarecrows - Poem

There were two scarecrows that stood in a field

They both had a story, one that might surprise many.

They weren’t always scarecrows they used to be humans once. With beating hearts, heads filled with imagination and a desperate lust for more.

He was human once, with a heart that wanted more albeit too afraid to ask for it or state it.

He dipped his toe in when he could

He got lost in the wants and needs of others losing whatever semblance of himself he had in the process

And he couldn’t say no, so he said yes even if his heart wasn’t in it.

The world was his oyster but it was too big for him to explore

She was his sun but why risk getting burnt when you can lock yourself inside and turn on the heat or turn up the AC when need be?

So he let that go, or told himself to. He watched all his friends and loved ones leave

But you can’t help someone who doesn’t think they need help

Not even if you drag them onto the ship, they’ll still jump instead of take a risk. Because why leave the shore? Even if it is dying and was long since dead all those months before.

Something that was never meant to grow will always die anyways.

No matter how you smile through the pain

The ache of what you’ve lost still remains

So he was a scarecrow

And he stood alongside his scarecrow bride

An unfortunate union

Grounded on all their insecurities and mirroring flaws

So she was a scarecrow and maybe a part of her always was.

And they could never convince themselves or the people around them that they were happy

But they stood together still

The world around them changed people came and left

Wars won and lost

But even scarecrows were replaced by robotic ones

Written by Charis.Clarissa


The scarecrow was always human but has always struggled with healthy confrontation and stating his opinions

‘He was human once, with a heart that wanted more albeit too afraid to ask for it or state it’ 

he often puts himself in situations where he can just shrug his shoulder not thinking how and why he ended up in a certain place or relationship. He typically takes the first option that is handed to him whether that be a relationship, job etc. Too afraid to say no. 

“She was his sun but why risk getting burnt when you can lock yourself inside and turn on the heat or turn up the AC when need be?”

He is too afraid to go after the real thing so he imitates it. I use turning on the heat and AC to symbolise that. But it also can be interpreted as a desperate attempt to be involved in the surface-level acts of the human experience such as drinking, partying and doing drugs. Those things can be characterised by the human experience but are shallow if that doesn’t include deeper emotions and experiences such as love, passion anger hatred. 

Even with all his friends and loved ones moving on and exploring the world, relationships and living life the Scarecrow is stubborn and afraid and refuses to change. 

So he was a scarecrow And he stood alongside his scarecrow bride An unfortunate union.

In this part, I introduce his partner in boring crime. They reflect each other’s insecurities. Both of them are awkward in similar ways, uncomfortable in themselves and the idea of change. They are a match made in boring hell, somehow making hell seem boring.

But even scarecrows were replaced by robotic ones

This reinforces the idea that no matter what you do to try and avoid it change will come for you.

The moral of the story: DON’T BE A SCARECROW!

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