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The Damsel: A Poem

The damsel in distress

Was rather stressed

By the mess of men

Her mother a bear

A controlling trout

An oinking pig who would not let her


She was rather stressed

The damsel in distress

So she got dressed

And made supper instead

A maid she was not

But a snake she was

Slithering and smart

Cautious yet righteous

Her dear mother pig did not come to tea that day

She was put in the oven

Cooked crispy and well very yummy

The miserable men were rather stressed

For the Damsel in distress had not made up

Her mind

So she served up her mother on a smooth silver plate

To keep them quiet

“You would make a good wife” they bellowed guts filled with half of her genetics

The damsel in distress was almost stressed when she laughed along with them

Now it was time to have fun

She pulled out a gun

One by one they all dropped like rocks

The damsel in distress

Was no longer stressed

She went out on a run

By C (creator of conscious thoughts)

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